“Trigger Warning,” a Netflix action thriller starring Jessica Alba, recently hit the streaming platform. While it promised adrenaline-pumping action, critics have been less than impressed. Let’s delve into the film’s strengths and weaknesses in this review.
Plot Overview
The film opens with an underwhelming chase sequence in Syria’s desert, where an elite squad led by Parker (Jessica Alba) pursues potential terrorists. Unfortunately, the CGI trucks and wooden acting fail to create any sense of urgency. Parker’s character lacks depth, and her sudden return home after her father’s death sets the stage for the main conflict.
Vague Storylines and Unconvincing Characters
As Parker investigates her father’s death, she uncovers hidden camera footage revealing illegal arms deals involving Elvis Shaw (Jake Weary). The film introduces Senator Swan (Anthony Michael Hall), who is running for re-election, but his motivations remain unclear. Similarly, Parker’s background lacks depth, leaving viewers wondering why they should empathize with this shadowy killer.
“Trigger Warning” could have been a suspenseful thriller, but it falls short. The film struggles against budget limitations, resulting in lackluster action scenes and poorly developed characters. Alba’s portrayal of a Special Forces commando feels implausible, and the movie fails to establish a strong sense of place.
In the end, “Trigger Warning” misses the mark. While Jessica Alba’s return to action mode is commendable, the film lacks the necessary ingredients for a memorable thriller. If you’re looking for a gripping action movie, you might want to explore other options on Netflix.
Remember, opinions vary, and some viewers might find enjoyment in “Trigger Warning.” However, for discerning action fans, this one might not hit the bullseye.
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