Anushka Shetty, renowned for her portrayal of Devasena in the epic “Baahubali” series, recently revealed a fascinating aspect of her life: she suffers from a rare neurological condition known as Pseudobulbar Affect (PBA). This disorder leads to uncontrollable outbursts of laughter or crying, often lasting for several minutes and unrelated to the person’s actual emotional state. Let’s delve into the intriguing world of PBA and understand its impact on Anushka Shetty’s life.
The Laughing Disease: What Is Pseudobulbar Affect?
- The Basics: PBA is part of a larger neurological syndrome called Pseudobulbar Palsy. It affects the fibers controlling emotions, facial muscles, tongue, and throat. When these pathways are impaired, they result in dysregulated emotional responses—such as sudden, uncontrollable laughter or crying—disconnected from the person’s true feelings.
- Anushka’s Experience: In her own words, Anushka shared, “If I start laughing, I can’t stop for 15 to 20 minutes. While watching or shooting comedy scenes, I literally roll on the floor laughing, and the shoot has been halted many times.” Imagine the challenge this poses, even for a seasoned actor!
- Social Impact: PBA can lead to embarrassment, depression, and anxiety. Imagine laughing uproariously during a serious moment—it’s socially awkward and emotionally distressing.
Causes and Management
- Neurological Roots: PBA is caused by impaired corticobulbar pathways—the neural connections from the brain’s cortex to the lower brain regions. Conditions like stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, brain tumors, epilepsy, and traumatic brain injury can trigger PBA.
- Symptoms Beyond Laughter: Apart from laughing fits, PBA may cause speech defects (dysarthria) and difficulty swallowing (dysphagia).
- Treatment: Managing PBA involves addressing the underlying condition. Medications like dextromethorphan/quinidine (Nuedexta) can help control the emotional outbursts.
Anushka Shetty’s Resilience
Anushka’s openness about her condition sheds light on the challenges faced by those with PBA. Despite the laughter that won’t quit, she continues to shine on screen, captivating audiences with her talent. Let’s applaud her resilience and hope for greater awareness about this lesser-known disorder.
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